
The following statements guide the work on behalf of the community. It is our intent and goal to:

  • Empower the people of the Greater Dayton Area to manage their health and own the advance care planning process and the on-going nature of these conversations as life changes;
  • Encourage person and family-centered conversations about advance care planning that remove the stigma of talking about death and the fear of dying;
  • Promote trust among health care providers to respond to and respect an individual’s healthcare decisions and preferences;
  • Maintain a standard of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect for one’s cultural preferences, personal values, and beliefs;
  • Advance a shared environment where the regional healthcare systems, clinical providers, higher education institutions, first responders, and legal professionals embrace an individual’s documented wishes, and
  • Require collaboration and shared decision-making among organizations and community partners to support people in their healthcare decisions with dignity and integrity.