If you haven't made end-of-life plans, what are you saying?
“I want to be a burden”
Indecision can lead to circumstances for you and your family you'd never have chosen.

If you haven't made end-of-life plans, what are you saying?
“I want to feel helpless”
indecision can lead to circumstances for you and your family you'd never have chosen.

If you haven't made end-of-life plans, what are you saying?
“I want to leave my story untold”
indecision can lead to circumstances for you and your family you'd never have chosen.
Did you know...
The pact between patients and the person selected to speak for them is deeper and more flexible than previously thought.
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, May 2015
It doesn't matter what your relationship with family and friends was like when you were alive.
Who Will Speak For Me?
What Will I Leave Behind?
Without legal documents, the law gets to decide who gets what and how much.
Think about who could be left out if it isn't written down.
Did you know...
"Do Not Resuscitate Orders" Were Associated with Higher Quality of Life.
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, May 2015
It doesn't matter how or with whom you want to live your final day if you haven't written and shared your intentions.
Quality of Life vs. Quantity of Days
You may be able to have both. Think about what matters to you at the end of life.
Did you know...
76% of Patients Did Not Want Heroic Measures.
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, May 2015
It doesn't matter what you would have wanted if it isn't written down.
Life Support? For Me?
Don't wait for a crisis to occur. Think about what kind of medical treatment you want, or don't want, at the end of your life, so no one else has to.